New Fee Guide Draft

Standard Fee
Practice Member Fee
Saving for Practice Members
Standard Fee Practice Member Fee 20% Saving (Practice Members)
Consultations, Radiographs and Prevention
New Patient examination (including 2 radiographs) £75.00 N/A
Routine Oral health examination with scaling £48.50 Inclusive
Routine Oral health examination £38.00 Inclusive
Emergency pain relief £95.00 N/A
Small x-ray x1 £10.00 Inclusive
Each Additional x-ray £8.00 Inclusive
Panoral x-rays £45.00 Inclusive
Hygienist and periodontal treatments
Scale & Polish (visit with Dentist) £39.00 N/A
Scale & Polish (visit with Hygienist) £39.00 N/A
Additional Scale & Polish appointments (not covered on plan) £39.00 N/A
Hygienist 1st Visit or per 30min £56.00 N/A
Hygienist 1st Visit or per 30min £56.00 N/A
Hygienist, periodontal treatment per 40min £75.00 N/A
Silver Amalgam Fillings – Small £75.00 £60.00 £15.00
Silver Amalgam Fillings – Medium £93.75 £75.00 £18.75
Silver Amalgam Fillings – Large £131.25 £105.00 £26.25
Tooth Coloured Fillings – Small £75.00 £60.00 £15.00
Tooth Coloured Fillings – Medium £112.50 £90.00 £22.50
Tooth Coloured Fillings – Large £150.00 £120.00 £30.00
Pin Retention £10.00 £8.00 £2.00
Post Retention for fillings £45.00 £36.00 £9.00
Root Canal Treatments (includes instrument fees)
Canine/Incisor £262.50 £210.00 £52.50
Premolar £328.13 £262.50 £65.63
Molar £393.75 £315.00 £78.75
Extractions – Simple/planned £112.50 £90.00 £22.50
Emergency extraction £168.75 £135.00 £33.75
Extractions Surgical £225.00 £180.00 £45.00
Multiple extractions or very loose teeth fee on time basis (member discount will apply) (member discount will apply)
Porcelain Bonded Crown £493.75 £395.00 £98.75
Ceramic crown (Zirconia) £525.00 £420.00 £105.00
Gold crown £518.75 £415.00 £103.75
Refixing Crown (may require further retention – additional fee) £35.00 £28.00 £7.00
Post retention (Cast metal or Fibre) £65.00 £52.00 £13.00
Resin bonded bridge (one wing) £468.75 £375.00 £93.75
Resin bonded bridge (two wing) £531.25 £425.00 £106.25
Fixed bonded bridge 2unit £812.50 £650.00 £162.50
Fixed bonded bridge 3unit £1062.50 £850.00 £212.50
Ceramic-metal free fixed bridge per unit (tooth) £450.00 £360.00 £90.00
Veneers/ Inlays
Porcelain/ Ceramic Veneer £481.00 £325.00 £96.00
Composite £195.00 £156.00 £39.00
Refixing Veneer £45.00 £36.00 £9.00
Gold Inlay from –size dependent £325.00 £255.00 £70.00
Ceramic/ Composite Inlay from –size dependent £295.00 £236.00 £59.00
Full/Full Acrylic £943.75 £755.00 £188.75
Full upper or lower denture £625.00 £500.00 £125.00
Partial Dentures 1 – 6 teeth £525.00 £420.00 £105.00
Partial Dentures 6 or more teeth £600.00 £480.00 £120.00
Addition on tooth to existing dentures £60.00 £48.00 £12.00
Addition on clasp £60.00 £48.00 £12.00
Reline on denture (per denture) £130.00 £104.00 £26.00
Adjustment of Denture Free Free
Chrome Cobalt Dentures
Full/Full £155.00 £1240.00 £310.00
Partial Dentures 1 – 6 teeth £875.00 £700.00 £175.00
Partial Dentures 6 or more teeth £950.00 £760.00 £190.00
Study Models £20.00 £16.00 £4.00
Cosmetic lab wax up £225.00 £180.00 £45.00
Professional Tooth Whitening
Home Whitening £350.00 £280.00 £70.00
Top up kits £70.00 £280.00 £70.00
Internal single tooth £185.00 £148.00 £37.00
Gum Shields (sports) £83.00 £66.00 £17.00
Sleeping Apnoea or night-grinding appliance from £250.00 N/A N/A
Sedation (Intravenous)
Per Session £200.00 N/A N/A
Dental Implants
Single tooth including implant, crown and radiographs £2100.00 N/A N/A
Bone Grafting (GBR) £350.00 N/A N/A
Multiple teeth / implant supported dentures priced per case N/A N/A
Non NHS Child fixed braces (upper and lower arch)
Metal Brackets £1650.00 N/A
Ceramic (tooth coloured) from £2150.00 N/A
Bonded Retainer from £150.00 N/A
Specialist Orthodontics – Adult (upper and lower arch)
Full Assessment £100.00 N/A
Ceramic Brackets £3500.00 N/A
Upper Lingual (behind teeth) lower Ceramic £4500.00 N/A
Upper and lower lingual from £5550.00 N/A
Invisalign from £4200.00 N/A
Six Month Smiles from £1950.00 N/A

0117 950 3141

Mon - 08.30-17.30 / Tue 08.30-18.30 / Wed 08.30-17.00
Thur 08.00-17.30 / Fri 08.00-16.00

227 Passage Road, Henbury, Bristol,
BS10 7DL
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